• Welcome to the WAMMSL Fight Ebola Campaign! 

         The West African Medical Missions team would like to thank all of our supporters in advance for joining us in this fight against Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemic and eliminating the health disparities afflicting West Africa. Much appreciation to you and we thank you again! 

             We are a local indigenous community-based organization rooted in Freetown, Sierra Leone and a 501c-3 tax-exempt non-profit organization in the United States. Our aim is to strengthen the existing health capacities of West Africa through education, community empowerment and civic engagement. Currently, we are on the ground in Sierra Leone implementing health-centered community outreach initiatives, conducting massive Ebola sensitizations throughout various communities, piloting an Infectious Disease Control management system at Princess Christian Maternity Hospital (PCMH), developing local partnerships and cultivating community health advocates. In this fight against Ebola we continue to evolve as a strong catalyst in the nation's efforts to combat the spread of this disease, but we can't do it alone. Every contribution made to WAMMSL will go directly towards the development of community projects geared towards Ebola sensitization and ultimately sustaining our program here in Sierra Leone. 


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